The first moment I saw this woman I smiled wide and thought, Pitter Patter. On a lark we decided to mall walk like old women. We circled for two hours, and wistfully ate sushi off a conveyor belt. She said her life was complicated and she was nervous about letting someone in. I offered to just be friends, but she said she was too intrigued by me. After sharing hundreds of texts, but never a kiss, she texted me from a plane runway to let me know she’d landed safely. My friends said, “Congratulations, You’re basically already married. Or you’re siblings.” Over months we shared thoughts about sex, raising children and innermost dreams, but she couldn’t commit to sharing another hour for coffee.

Hi Sweetie!
My fingers stayed carefully circling your rim, only daring to skim the edge of your flakey shell. You invited me to wait with an warmed, empty plate until you were ready to present me with a slice. But you could never find a way to dole out a sliver without destroying your own fragily balanced perfection.