That’s The Way the Graham Cracker Crumbles
In the course of our pre-date conversations I had somehow promised to bat my eye lashes at this woman, a move I don’t typically make. Flirting, yes. But the promise of flirting, no. When we met we ordered double espressos and rubbed our legs together below the table. Afterwards, I let myself start thinking about extended short-term logistics like when our kid-free days lined up, and when to introduce her to my friends. Another night we had drinks and fun. But the next morning, she told me she was ready to commit to someone else.

Hi Sweetie!
I could feel the heat radiating from inside you. I licked along the edges just slightly to get a taste. You asked me to take a bite. When I sank my teeth in, I braced for the gush, but I didn’t expect the CRACK and how quickly you fell apart.